I am sorry but I have to bring this up once again. After my last post it still has been crashing constantly and I just gave up on it. But with the continuing excellent performance of this ea I really would like to run it
In the meantime I am using a different server and there is no ex4decryptor installed. I am running a few different terminals though with the following eas running: Wallstreet, Megadroid, Hyper EA. I will now try to remove each EA one by one to identify the cause. However would it be possible to provide some kind of "debug" version with advanced loging functions to find the cause for the constant crashes?
Here is the crash log:
Filename : mt4clw.936038E0139F32AD6781B771DD10044D
Time : 2012.09.14 09:35
Program : MetaTrader 4 Terminal
Version : 400.434 (3 Sep 2012)
Revision : 3799
OS : Windows 7 Server 6.1 Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
ID : 85DC91EC-40E4-T
Processors : 8 x Intel Xeon E31245 @ 3.30GHz
Memory : 14204 free of 16291 Mb
Virtual : 3942 free of 4095 Mb
Handlers : 214
Exception : C0000096 at 74D03EA5 NA to 00000000
Modules : 002E0000 00A1B000 terminal.exe (
: 6F870000 0036F000 frp6.dll (
Registers : EAX=002009F0 CS=0023 EIP=74D03EA5 EFLGS=00010246
: EBX=00000000 SS=002b ESP=0591D610 EBP=0591D654
: ECX=0591D63C DS=002b ESI=00000140 FS=0053
: EDX=00001000 ES=002b EDI=00563AC0 GS=002b
Threads : #000 000014A4 EIP: 7621BA44 ESP: 00EEF198
7621B9E5:00005F [7621BA44] PATHOBJ_vEnumStart (gdi32.dll)
00484594:00001C [004845B0] #8530 (terminal.exe)
00482D27:00003E [00482D65] #8450 (terminal.exe)
0048329C:000067 [00483303] #8463 (terminal.exe)
00484594:000028 [004845BC] #8530 (terminal.exe)
00484594:00001C [004845B0] #8530 (terminal.exe)
00470C78:000032 [00470CAA] #7560 (terminal.exe)
0036D370:000154 [0036D4C4] #2958 (terminal.exe)
0047B1B7:000039 [0047B1F0] #8007 (terminal.exe)
00461499:000376 [0046180F] #6774 (terminal.exe)
0045D3E9:000024 [0045D40D] #6530 (terminal.exe)
0045FC24:00009A [0045FCBE] #6687 (terminal.exe)
0045FD17:000036 [0045FD4D] #6688 (terminal.exe)
74A85FC8:000332 [74A862FA] func_828 (user32.dll)
74A86C63:0000D7 [74A86D3A] GetUserObjectInformationW (user32.dll)
74A86C63:000185 [74A86DE8] GetUserObjectInformationW (user32.dll)
74A86C63:0001E1 [74A86E44] GetUserObjectInformationW (user32.dll)
76F500DC:00002E [76F5010A] LdrGetDllHandleByMapping (ntdll.dll)
74A87BBB:00000F [74A87BCA] DlgDirSelectComboBoxExA (user32.dll)
00475361:000040 [004753A1] #7823 (terminal.exe)
004B3915:000069 [004B397E] #9841 (terminal.exe)
0049D4E4:0001FD [0049D6E1] #9462 (terminal.exe)
74D03388:000012 [74D0339A] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)
76F79E8F:000063 [76F79EF2] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)
76F79E8F:000036 [76F79EC5] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)
: #001 00000B44 EIP: 76F6013D ESP: 0424F764
76F60128:000015 [76F6013D] ZwWow64CsrAllocateMessagePointer (ntdll.dll)
74D03388:000012 [74D0339A] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)
76F79E8F:000063 [76F79EF2] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)
76F79E8F:000036 [76F79EC5] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)
: #002 000012C8 EIP: 76F5FD71 ESP: 04A4339C
76F5FD5C:000015 [76F5FD71] ZwDeleteValueKey (ntdll.dll)
761C3A7C:00000F [761C3A8B] Sleep (kernelbase.dll)
00434700:000273 [00434973] #5871 (terminal.exe)
004351F0:0004E5 [004356D5] #5873 (terminal.exe)
004338C0:000010 [004338D0] #5862 (terminal.exe)
0049A6A5:000058 [0049A6FD] #9389 (terminal.exe)
0049A6A5:000100 [0049A7A5] #9389 (terminal.exe)
74D03388:000012 [74D0339A] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)
76F79E8F:000063 [76F79EF2] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)
76F79E8F:000036 [76F79EC5] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)
: #003 00000B74 EIP: 74A878D7 ESP: 04C7FB28
74A8787B:00005C [74A878D7] DlgDirSelectComboBoxExW (user32.dll)
742926E0:000160 [74292840] timeKillEvent (winmm.dll)
74D03388:000012 [74D0339A] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)
76F79E8F:000063 [76F79EF2] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)
76F79E8F:000036 [76F79EC5] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)
: #004 00001D8C EIP: 76F61F26 ESP: 0569F87C
76F61F14:000012 [76F61F26] ZwWow64CsrCaptureMessageString (ntdll.dll)
74D03388:000012 [74D0339A] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)
76F79E8F:000063 [76F79EF2] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)
76F79E8F:000036 [76F79EC5] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)
crash : #005 00001E7C EIP: 74D03EA5 ESP: 0591D610
74D03EA3:000002 [74D03EA5] ReadFile (kernel32.dll)
004A7AF6:0000C0 [004A7BB6] #9643 (terminal.exe)
004A4E03:00007D [004A4E80] #9599 (terminal.exe)
0049906E:000167 [004991D5] #9362 (terminal.exe)
00499278:000075 [004992ED] #9363 (terminal.exe)
0049930E:000018 [00499326] #9364 (terminal.exe)
00380AA0:0000E6 [00380B86] #3372 (terminal.exe)
00381380:002782 [00383B02] #3377 (terminal.exe)
0039A190:0039D7 [0039DB67] #3596 (terminal.exe)
0039A190:000A36 [0039ABC6] #3596 (terminal.exe)
00390290:000127 [003903B7] #3502 (terminal.exe)
003188A0:00033F [00318BDF] #1422 (terminal.exe)
00387720:000114 [00387834] #3409 (terminal.exe)
0038B370:0004C9 [0038B839] #3449 (terminal.exe)
00381380:0011F9 [00382579] #3377 (terminal.exe)
0039A190:0039D7 [0039DB67] #3596 (terminal.exe)
0039A190:000A36 [0039ABC6] #3596 (terminal.exe)
00390290:000127 [003903B7] #3502 (terminal.exe)
0037B350:000028 [0037B378] #3311 (terminal.exe)
0049A6A5:000058 [0049A6FD] #9389 (terminal.exe)
0049A6A5:000100 [0049A7A5] #9389 (terminal.exe)
74D03388:000012 [74D0339A] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)
76F79E8F:000063 [76F79EF2] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)
76F79E8F:000036 [76F79EC5] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)
: #006 00000F90 EIP: 00000000 ESP: 00000000
: #007 00000A50 EIP: 00000000 ESP: 00000000
: #008 00000BF8 EIP: 00000000 ESP: 00000000
: #009 00000DAC EIP: 00000000 ESP: 00000000
: #010 00001B24 EIP: 00000000 ESP: 00000000
: #011 000014D4 EIP: 00000000 ESP: 00000000
: #012 00001C38 EIP: 00000000 ESP: 00000000